Tuesday, 8 April 2014


The title of the novel is intriguing.This terse phase contains the essence of the story where the main antagonist KOSY CURIEN , who is guilty of unwittingly killing the grandson of his old slave POULOSA is  redeemed by the love and forgiveness that the old slave shows to his master.

Poulosa's action of saving Kosy's daughter from a watery grave fills the latter with so much regret that he repents and thus the slayer is slain by the weapon of love.It is possible to discern several themes in the novel like the preponderance of the caste system , the desire to convert people to the christian faith particularly people of the upper caste like the old Brahman ,the difference in attitude and behavior of the Syrian Christians of the ancient eastern Christian faith  as against  those who have taken up the western Protestant faith.

The slayer slain deals predominantly with the evolution of the character of Mariam , the daughter of kosy curian . Mariam is a young women of nearly fourteen who has received a good education at the mission school run by the wives of the missionaries. The mission school in question is undoubtedly THE MISS BAKER'S SCHOOL, which had started functioning under the supervision of Mrs.Amelia Dorothea Baker in 1820.

The liberal education that mariam received at the mission school not only taught her the three R's it also gave a broad outlook on life , an ability to understand and analyze men and matters and to make her own decisions without fear. She did not totally reject  established customs and practices but she did question attitudes that only serve to encourage such social evils like untouchability and casteism.She is the dutiful and obediant daughter of kosy but she has a will of her own which enables her to speak out her mind to her father.

She is not the militant and aggressive type but she is able to achieve her objective by her gentle and intelligent persuasiveness.When her father arranges to have her married to the son of the rich Syrian landowner Ummen Thoma ,she was able to convince him that marriage to a gross un educated widower would only serve to make to her unhappy and wicked.Her arguments were so intelligent and reasonable that her father breaks off the contract of marriage even though such a social solecism was unheard of at that time.

As the weather is not good i am stopping today's writing will continue tomorrow, here we have windy rain and what about there???????????????????????

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