Sunday, 30 March 2014

DID YOU KNOW????????????????

Why do you yawn when you get sleepy??????????? To keep yourself up! A yawn is a show of deep breath that brings more  oxygen to the brain.It's a little like splashing cold water on your face.The oxygen gives your brain cells a little wake-up call.

Thomas Edison , the inventor of light bulb was afraid of the dark

Alexander Graham bell never phoned his wife and mother because they were deaf.

In space ,astronauts can't cry properly because there is no gravity.So their tears can't flow down their faces.

Coffee was discovered by goats !
it was about 850 AD that coffee was first discovered . There is a legend that an Araba goat herd Kaldi who lived in Ethiopia first noticed the strange effect of coffee plant when his goats were fed on it .He made a beverage out of it which had a stimulating effect.

The shortest complete sentence in English language is "GO" !

Aegilops 8 letters song , is the longest word with its letter arranged in alphabetical order.

In 1883 , the explosion of the volcano Krakatoka  , put so much dust into the earth's atmosphere that sunsets appeared green and the moon appeared blue around the world for almost two year.

How reindeer's survive in the extreme cold??????
By eating MOSS !
The moss contain a special chemical that help reindeer keep their body fluids warm when the reindeer make their yearly journey across the icy arctic region ,the chemical keep them from freezing !

Saturday, 29 March 2014


The cumulative record is a confidential and systematic accumulation of significant factual information about an individual student while at school.It is a readily available permanent data about a child.

It is progressively developed and maintained over a sufficient period of time a give a summarized growth record indicating the direction and rate of development .The information written in  cumulative record is collected from different sources over a period of time.It contain useful and reliable information about the student   that may enable providing education ,vocational ,personal guidance and assistance to the student during the period of his stay in the school.
uses of cumulative record for a teacher as well as a guide
  • Helpful in student classification
  • Provides complete school history of the student
  • Helpful in making certificates
  • Helps in problem solving
  • Helps in proving personal guidance 
  • Helps in providing vocational guidance
  • Helpful in self-assessment
  • Helpful for employers
  • Helpful for giving individual attention
  • Helps in preparing progress report

 These are some of the benefits of saving a record for children but these thing does't happen in most of the schools' i think it's because both teacher and students have a tight schedule teacher won't get enough time to spend with every   
 child and other duties come in their way............ any way if teacher doesn't keep record is ok................ but she surely should find time to spend with students because its the beauty of teaching lies... 

Friday, 28 March 2014


The provision of VG in our educational has been necessitated by great changes in our society and this large world is becoming

more and more complex.Unemployment and underemployment are not necessarily due to lack of opportunities but i think it is due to the lack of information and support to find right job to right person. Students' are not been able to know what all opportunities are waiting for them because of their limited knowledge of occupations and of the narrow range of alternatives available to them.

This ignorance lead to unrealistic aspirations. Therefore i think we should assist our students to have more realistic career expectations through systematically organized VG programs in our schools and colleges.

  1. VG is needed to assist the students to choose the best career of their choice
  2. To strengthen educational system by providing motivation and meaning to education
  3. To help students understand problem and causes for unemployment
  4. Needed to provide information about occupational opportunities
  5. To help youngsters to prepare for and entering into desired profession
  6. To explore different information sources
  7. For vocational adjustment
  8. To ensure efficient use of man power 
  9. To stop wastage and misutilization of time , money,labor and brings economic prosperity to individual as well as nation
  10. To develop potentialities of youngsters to an optimum level
A country's economic stability depends on the working people and man power of nation for its development so if we raise our children with a correct value and definition for career we could be part our nations development.There will be a time when everyone will be satisfied with their jobs and life and thus prosperity runs through our life and we will be able to live a beautiful in peace , harmony and love for each others.

Thursday, 27 March 2014


The features of the first language find similarities and differences with the feature of second language,similarities facilitate and differences interfere second language learning.Malayalam ,as a first language ,exhibits these features of facilitation and interference when a Malayalee learns English after acquiring Malayalam.
Malayalam has major differences with English ,both languages belong to different families English belongs to In do-European where as Malayalam to Dravidian language. Unphonetic nature of English is heavily interfered by the phonetic nature of Malayalam.
Eg:-/o/ -on , one, won ,wolf
/k/ - kit , cat , school ,packet

The presence of silent letters in words is another reason ,malayalee have a tendency in the beginning to pronounce each and every letter they see in English words.
Eg:- r - girl
k -know
h - honest.

Malayalam is a syllable timed language where as English a stressed timed language.Malayalee have a tendency   to t English wrongly as syllable timed language which is due to the influence of malayalam.

"t" is a alveolar plosive ,malayalees wrongly pronounce it as retroflex sound which not in English use .

Malayalees pronounce "s/es" as /s/ /z/ and /iz/
Eg:- looks - /luks/ ,pigs - /pigz/ ,cases -/ keisiz/.

Past tense marker d /ed is pronounced as /t/ /d/ and /id/
Eg :- looked - /lukt/ ,filled - /fild/ , lighted -/laitid/
they do so in English because it is their familiar way in malayalam in which they are correct.

These are some of the problems in using English for malayalee but theoretical knowledge of relevant areas and sufficient practice can help the learners a lot in overcoming these kinds of interference.The beauty of a language is in its beauty of communication because language is primarily speech.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


Kerala is known as god's own country all around the globe.Here teaching of English stars from standard one.Most of the students can't use English accurately in speech and writing even as they complete school education.The study of English for years and years doesn't equip them to use any of the skills in that language satisfactorily.

According to me we should give prior focus of teaching English in Kerala.It fails to bloom the flowers of talents and standards of pupils in English language.Causal factors of this predicament are many and their are many obstacles and impediments to  overcome.

  • Over crowded classes
  • Excess work load to teachers and students
  • Lack of refresher courses
  • Poor teacher education system
  • Wrong methods of teaching
  • Lack of good library facilities
  • Lack of good language lab
  • Limited exposure
  • Unsuitable curriculum
  • Inadequate number of periods
  • Defective system of evaluation
  • Unavailability of text books in time
  • Unavailability of learning aids
  • Changing policies of government
  • Over politicization of students and teachers unions
  • Lack of effective supervision and support
These deplorable conditions of English language teaching is not a peculiarity of Kerala alone.The same can be seen as the condition of English language teaching across the country.Any one who comes forward with new innovations are never given support but they are suppressed.Teaching is a profession which teaches all professions and it is the most beautiful and enjoyable profession seen in whole world .  

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Personal guidance is an assistance given to an individual to solve his social , emotional , moral and health problems. The area of personal guidance is the personal adjustment of the individual in different spheres of life.Lack of guidance may precipitate personal problems which would affect their efficiency ,happiness and make them maladjusted.Personal problems are mostly emotional in nature and hence are difficult to handle.Moreover,there is wide individual variation regarding the nature of social and psychological problems.The complexity of the causes and that of the person make personal guidance inevitable for balanced development of personality and optimal social productivity.

  1. It is required for the personal adjustment
  2. Essential for developing personal and social competencies
  3. Needed for avoiding the interpersonal tension and conflicts
  4. Used for setting up a harmonious environment between family life and vocational life of an individual
  5. Needed to minimize the gaps between personal aspirations and social demands
  6. Helps in taking decisions with regard to personal problems
  7. Brings happiness , peace and satisfaction in the life of an individual
  8. It helps the person to develop integrated and balanced personality
  9. To maximize personal and social success in life
  10. Needed to make up a harmonious society where everybody gets opportunities to excel and all enjoy living to that society.
These are some of the need for personal guidance in this busy world and stress out time i recommend my readers to get or assure proper guidance to yourself and friends before it gets too late.

Monday, 24 March 2014


                                The increasing complexities and stress of modern day living , everyday reports of lack of interest in studies , low achievement ,truancy, aggression,behavioral problems, suicide, drug abuse and the like call for provision of guidance and counselling for children and youth in schools.There is a greater need for guidance services now than ever before due to the rapid advancement in technology, emerging of new world order, rapid social change and fast changing value systems.
The secret of good education consists in enabling the student to discover and develop his potentialities for his personal happiness and social usefulness , to realize what are his talents ,aptitudes and in what manner and to what extent he can develop his best so as to achieve proper social adjustment and seek right type of employment. 

let's see how guidance help students    :-
1.To help in the total development of the student.
2.To cater to individual differences among school going children.
3.To improve the quality of education.
4.To enable students to make proper choices at various stages of their educational career.
5.It helps the child to recognize and use his inner resources,to set goals,to make plans to work out his own problems of development.
6.To help the students choose,prepare for , enter upon and progress in a career.
7.To check wastage and stagnation .
8.To minimize the incidence of indiscipline 
9.To improve vocational efficiency of students.
10.To minimize the mismatching between education and employment.
11.To help the exceptional children in their optimal development.
12.To develop healthy and balanced personality.
13.To tackle emotional problems
             For this to realize, guidance should be an integral part of school system.They are the next generation who should lead our country so they should be stronger from inside and should have a good aesthetic sense.

Sunday, 23 March 2014


            Life of an individual goes through different phases or stages during his life time.Guidance is an assistance or help given to person in the time of his difficulty.It may not be done by any professionally train person even friends,parents or siblings can do.  

Life become so stressed out when we become elder and elder ,seriously i have thought why are we keep on growing? how wonderful our childhood was with friends ,grand parents running around to catch us ohooooooo i feel so sorry to be have grown up but what to do it'z the magic of nature isn't?????

see these children all stressed out , childhood is the most beautiful time one gets in life and today's children poor guy's trapped inside books ,schools, parents what to do????? teachers and parents should be given some guidance  ,children should be given importance than their work..... children of this age will do anything to get love and affection........... When it was joint family system grand parents took care of children played with them ,taught them through stories i really miss my grandpa he knows about everything i ask ,their was an answer for every question ..... but he passed away it'z been two years......

I happened to meet a person in a computer service center , there was a girl working next to him she was so shy and talked in very low sound ,i told that person when she was gone that ,she is a nice girl and should be little bold and to my wonder he asked me about whom i was talking ,he even didn't notice the girl next to him because of the heavy load of work he had..............  i told him this stress could bring him some disease and he should take some time for relaxing.......
See men and women at work go through difficulties and a good counselor could tell them how they could do their job efficiently....... without stress but with joy ..............
This is a wide topic to be discussed i think i will tell you about my views on my next blog....... soooolong guyz have a great and beautiful  night

Saturday, 22 March 2014


Freedom literally means no restriction in anything , but actually does every one enjoy this????? i doubt that...As i am an Indian i surely can say here in Indian everyone doesn't enjoy this... elections are ahead and all politician's ohoooo participates are getting ready for their next make over.....sometimes i think it was better to be ruled by a noble king then in other time in a democratic  country....i am messed up. This year i am going to vote for the first time and i am excited....but i don't have an idea to whom should i vote for????

Yesterday my mom was telling me that i should support her person but i don't like to act to others mind i want your suggestion on this . This year'z election is going to be a real fight between the parties in India arise of a new party is giving the old parties some competition ..... let me see did the ruling party brought at least some of the promises they made on campaign during last time into action???? is the people of India fed up with  them??????

Last year in Delhi a college girl have been brutally raped and what did the authorities do??  Being a women herself a famous personality asked the media why dis that girl got out of her house after six pm??? what do you think about this?????? is this the kind of freedom we want to enjoy??? This whole world is everyone's only god is the owner ...........
During a strike day a pregnant lady got labor-pain and her husband at some cost found an ambulance and started to hospital but on their way the strike people stopped them and they destroyed the vehicle for getting into road ,that lady gave birth to baby inside the ambulance........ what do they think of themselves???? if they are into something they shouldn't get into others life but do it in peaceful way.... where are the human values gone????do they love only parties??what do they get from their parties????? while i was studying their was parties in college and when they declare strikes my classmates went to participate , when i asked them why the strike was they did't know , they are going so that they get food and money for participating and to my surprise they did't go  for one but in all parties strike isn't it wonderful??????
If an able police officer arrested any criminals or members of a party for an offence before they are put into jail phone calls from higher authorities will be there and poor officer have to leave them because he need to take care of his family otherwise may be gunda gang could kill him or anyone in his family........ is this freedom????
Our children , girl's , boy's , elder's not even our pets are safe to go outside.......children lost their freedom to play in rain , mud ,paint etc...girl's lost freedom to go anywhere ,choose their life,career.........boy's lost their freedom to mingle with friends no even boys because parents suspect that he may go into bad gang.........elder's lost freedom to walk on street , to enjoy their retirement as they want........... EVERYONE HAS LOST THEIR FREEDOM TO SOMETHING OR ANYTHING THEY LIKE TO DO MOST can't we change this??????? fear is the main reason ,give away your bad fear and bad dreams and built a world of colors and a land where dreams come true................ 


Friday, 21 March 2014


LOVE - The most beautiful feeling in the world

Guy'z what do you think love is all about ? I think it'z like a colorful rainbow , which forms after the rain and adds beauty to our colorful world and make our dreams. It is undefinable i think ,but i have heard people saying that love is blind ,care ,emotion and so on goes the list. I think it'z all about how one decides what it is to them. 

For me it'z a special feeling to someone or anything in the world ,did you guy'z know when first heard the song from the film ashiqui HUM ...TERE....BINA..ABB...REHEENAHI SAKTHEEE... made my hair rise uppp my brother wondered and started making fun of me ,at that time i didn't understand  anything but while their was a discussion about and they asked me and this came to me and i too narrated this to them my guide said it could be a different phase of love ,i remember while doing my bachelor read a poem in which the poet tells us that if  a feeling really get into someone  ,one's eyes dilates , he sweets , heartbeat rises and his hair rises up just like i have experienced.
I doubt in today'z world do we can see real love?????? as the stories we have heard in our childhood of prince and princess living happily ever after....... the feeling of trust on love has been vanished from our world......... no one trusts anyone they doesn't help the needy............why this has happened??? where'zz the goodness of human have vanished which god considered as next to him..........
Today even girl'z have started doing wrong thing'z and boy'z help them for there needs.i don't know where'z the world going everything nice and beautiful is being destroyed....... i don't know what will last in this world........... i want 
all the good people to sustain their goodness by doing good and if we all try hand in hand we could bring back the goodness and beauty to this world as the world was when it formed...................

Monday, 17 March 2014


Malayalam literature (മലയാള സാഹിത്യം) comprises those literary texts written in Malayalam, a South-Dravidian language spoken in the Indian state of Kerala.
The earliest known extant literary work in Malayalam is Ramacharitam, an epic poem written in the late 13th or early 13th century. In the subsequent centuries, besides a popular pattu ("song") literature, the manipravalam poetry also flourished. Manipravalam (translates "ruby coral") style mainly consisted of erotic poetry in an admixture of Malayalam and Sanskrit.[1] Then came works such as champus and sandeshakavyas in which prose and poetry were interspersed. Later, poets like Cherusseriintroduced poems on devotional themes. Ezhuthachan, a strong proponent of Bhakti movement, is known as the father of Malayalam. His poems are classified under the genre of kilippattu.[2]
Modern literary movements in Malayalam literature began in the late 19th century with the rise of the famous Modern Triumvirate consisting of Kumaran AsanUlloor S. Parameswara Iyer and Vallathol Narayana Menon. Kumaran Asan was temperamentally a pessimist—a disposition reinforced by his metaphysics—yet all his life was active in promoting his downtrodden Hindu-Ezhava community. Ullor wrote in the classical tradition, on the basis of which he appealed for universal love, while Vallathol responded to the human significance of social progress. Contemporary Malayalam poetry records the encounter with problems of social, political, and economic life. The tendency of the modern poetry is often regarded as toward political radicalism.
undefinedvaikom muhammed basheer

Early literature

For the first 600 years of the Malayalam calendar, Malayalam literature remained in a preliminary stage. During this time, Malayalam literature consisted mainly of various genres of songs. The most prominent among these were songs praising the goddesses of the land, ballads of brave warriors, songs related to the work of a particular caste and songs intended just for entertainment. Bhadrakali pattu, thottam pattu, mavaratham pattu, sasthanga pattu, nizhalkoothu pattu, sarpa pattu, sastham pattu, thiyyattu pattu, pulluvar pattu, mannar pattu, panar pattu, krishi pattu, thamburan pattu, pada pattu, villadichan pattu, onappattu, kummi and lullaby were some of the major sub-genres. These names were not used historically, but are used in modern times to describe the song genres of that time.


Ramacharitham is a collection of poems written at the end of the preliminary stage in Malayalam literature's evolution. It is the oldest Malayalam book available. The collection has 1,814 poems in it. Ramacharitham mainly consists of stories from the Yuddha Kanda the of Ramayana. It was written by a poet with the pen nameCheeramakavi who, according to poet Ulloor S Parameswara Iyer, was Sree Veerarama Varman, a king of Travancore from AD 1195 to 1208.[4] Other experts, like Dr. K.M. George and P.V. Krishnan Nair, claim that the origins of the book can be found in north Kerala. They cite the use of certain words in the book and also the fact that the manuscript of the book was recovered from Neeleshwaram in north Kerala.[5] Some experts consider it a Tamil literary piece. A. R. Rajaraja Varma, who heavily contributed to the development of Malayalam grammar, is of the opinion that Malayalam originated from ancient Tamil. Ramacharitham is considered a book written during the formative years of Malayalam. According to Rev. Dr. Hermann Gundert, who compiled the first dictionary of the Malayalam language, Ramacharitham shows the ancient style of the Malayalam language.

Early prose literature[edit]

List of early prose literature in 19th century.[7]


TitleAuthorYearMakeOther notes
Sanchariyude Prayanam
(സഞ്ചാരിയുടെ പ്രയാണം - Sañcāriyuṭe Pṟayāṇaṁ)
Rev. C. Muller
Rev. P. Chandran
Paradeshi Mokshayathra
(പരദേശി മോക്ഷയാത്ര - Paradēśi Mōkṣayātṟa)
Rev. K. Koshy
Rev. Joseph Peet
(തിരുപ്പോരാട്ടം - Tiruppōrāṭṭaṁ)
Archdeacon. K. Koshy1868Translation


TitleAuthorYearMakeOther notes
(ഭാഷാശാകുന്തളം - Bhaṣāśākuntaḷaṁ)
Ayilyam Thirunal Rama Varma1850-1860Translation
(ആൾമാറാട്ടം - Āḷmāṟāṭṭaṁ)
Kalloor Umman Philipose1866Translation
Kamakshee Charitham
(കാമാക്ഷീചരിതം - Kāmākṣīcaritaṁ)
K. Chidambara Wadhyar1880-1885Translation
Varshakala Katha
(വൎഷകാലകഥ - Varṣakāla Katha)
K. Chidambara Wadhyar1880-1885Translation


TitleAuthorYearMakeOther notes
Oru Kuttiyude Maranam
(ഒരു കുട്ടിയുടെ മരണം - Oru Kuṭṭiyuṭe Maraṇaṁ)
<Anonymous Writer>1847Original
Vishathinu Marunnu
(വിഷത്തിന് മരുന്ന് - Viṣattinŭ Marunnŭ)
<Anonymous Writer>1848Original
Anayum Thunnanum
(ആനയും തുന്നനും - Āṉayuṁ Tunnaṉuṁ)
<Anonymous Writer>1849Original
Meenakethanan or Meenakethana Charitham
(മീനകേതനൻ or മീനകേതനചരിതം - Mīṉakētaṉan orMīṉakētaṉacaritaṁ )
Ayilyam Thirunal Rama Varma1850-1860Inspiration
(ജാതിഭേദം - Jātibēdaṁ)
Archdeacon. K. Koshy1860Original
Aayalkarane Konnavante Katha
(അയൽക്കാരനെ കൊന്നവന്റെ കഥ - Ayalkārane Konnavanṯe Katha)
<Anonymous Writer>1873Original
(കല്ലൻ - Kallan)
<Anonymous Writer>1881Adaptation
(പുല്ലേലിക്കുഞ്ചു - Pullēlikkuñcu)
Archdeacon. K. Koshy1882Original
(വാസനാവികൃതി - Vāsanāvikr̥ti)
Vengayil Kunjiraman Nayanar1891Original


TitleAuthorYearMakeOther notes
Fulmoni Ennum Koruna Ennum Peraya Randu Sthreekalude Katha
(ഫുൽമോനി എന്നും കോരുണ എന്നും പേരായ രണ്ടു സ്ത്രീകളുടെ കഥ - Phulmōni ennuṁ kōruṇa ennuṁ pērāya ranṭu strīkaḷuṭe katha)
Rev. Joseph Peet1858Translation
(ഘാതകവധം - Ghātakavadhaṁ)
Rev. Richard Collins[8]1877Translation
Pathminiyum Karunayum
(പത്മിനിയും കരുണയും - Patmiṉiyuṁ karuṇayuṁ)
<Anonymous Writer>1884Translation
(കുന്ദലത - Kundalata)
Appu Nedungadi1887Original
(ഇന്ദുലേഖ - Indulēkha)
O. Chandumenon1889Original
Indumathee Swayamvaram
(ഇന്ദുമതീസ്വയംവരം - Indumatīsvayaṁvaraṁ)
Padinjare Kovilakathu Ammaman Raja1890Original
(മീനാക്ഷി - Mīṉākṣi)
C. Chathu Nair1890Original
(മാർ‍ത്താണ്ഡവർ‍മ്മ - Māṟttāṇḍavaṟmma)
C. V. Raman Pillai1891Original
(സരസ്വതീവിജയം - Sarasvatīvijayaṁ)
Potheri Kunjanbu1892Original
(പരിഷ്ക്കാരപ്പാതി - Pariṣkārappāti)
Kochuthomman Appothikari1892Original
Parangodee Parinayam
(പറങ്ങോടീപരിണയം - Paṟaṅṅōṭīpariṇayaṁ)
Kizhakepattu Raman Menon1892Original
(ശാരദ - Śārada)
O. Chandumenon1892Original
(ലക്ഷ്മീകേശവം - Lakṣmīkēśavaṁ)
Komattil Padu Menon1892Original
(നാലുപേരിലൊരുത്തൻ - Nālupēriloruttan)
C. Anthapayi1893Original
(ചന്ദ്രഹാസൻ - Candrahāsan)
P. Krishnan Menon
T. K. Krishnan Menon
C. Govindan Eledam
(അക്ബർ - Akbaṟ)
Kerala Varma Valiya Koi Thampuran1894Translation
(കല്യാണി - Kalyāṇi)
<Anonymous Writer>1896Original
(സുകുമാരി - Sukumāri)
Joseph Mooliyil1897Original
(സഗുണ - Saguṇa)
Joseph Mooliyil1898-1899Translation
(കമല - Kamala)
C. Krishnan Nair1899Translation


TitleAuthorYearMakeOther notes
(റാസലസ് - Ṟāsalas)
Pilo Paul[9]1895Translation
Nandipa Deepika
(നന്ദിപദീപിക - Nandipadīpika)
Kunji Kelu Nair1895Translation
(രസലേലിക - Rasalēlika)
Thatha Kanaran1898Translation

Malayalam novel[edit]

Notable Malayalam writers[edit]

The field of Malayalam writers include the following people, from various disciplines and periods.

Art criticism[edit]


Modern Romantics[edit]

Other modern poets[edit]

G. Shankara Kurup (1900–1978)
Vyloppilli Sreedhara Menon (1911–1985)
Edasseri Govindan Nair
N. V. Krishna Warrier
Thirunalloor Karunakaran
Vayalar Ramavarma
O. N. V. Kurup
Punaloor Balan
Olappamanna Subramanian Namboothirippad
M. Govindan
K. Ayyappa Panicker
Kadammanitta Ramakrishnan
Attoor Ravi Varma
Lalitha Lenin
Vishnunarayanan Namboothiri
D. Vinayachandran
Kureepuzha Sreekumar
Balachandran Chullikkadu
A. Ayyappan
Nellikkal Muraleedharan
V Madhusoodanan Nair
Attoor Ravi Varma
Chandiroor Divakaran

Post-modern poets[edit]


Nineteenth century[edit]


Post-modern fiction[edit]

Children's literature[edit]

Nandanar a.k.a P C Gopalan
Sippy Pallippuram


Literary criticism[edit]

Joseph Mundasseri (1901–1977)
Kesari Balakrishna Pillai (1889–1960)
Kuttikrishna Marar (1900–1973)
M. P. Paul (1904–1952)
K.Damodaran (1912–1976)
S. Guptan Nair ((1919–2006)
M. Krishnan Nair
M. N. Vijayan (1930–2007)
K. M. Daniel (1920–1988)
Sukumar Azhikode (1926–2012)
M. K. Sanu
K. P. Appan (1936–2008)
Narendra Prasad (1946–2003)
M. Leelavathy
V. C. Sreejan
S. Rajasekharan

Film criticism[edit]

