Saturday, 29 March 2014


The cumulative record is a confidential and systematic accumulation of significant factual information about an individual student while at school.It is a readily available permanent data about a child.

It is progressively developed and maintained over a sufficient period of time a give a summarized growth record indicating the direction and rate of development .The information written in  cumulative record is collected from different sources over a period of time.It contain useful and reliable information about the student   that may enable providing education ,vocational ,personal guidance and assistance to the student during the period of his stay in the school.
uses of cumulative record for a teacher as well as a guide
  • Helpful in student classification
  • Provides complete school history of the student
  • Helpful in making certificates
  • Helps in problem solving
  • Helps in proving personal guidance 
  • Helps in providing vocational guidance
  • Helpful in self-assessment
  • Helpful for employers
  • Helpful for giving individual attention
  • Helps in preparing progress report

 These are some of the benefits of saving a record for children but these thing does't happen in most of the schools' i think it's because both teacher and students have a tight schedule teacher won't get enough time to spend with every   
 child and other duties come in their way............ any way if teacher doesn't keep record is ok................ but she surely should find time to spend with students because its the beauty of teaching lies... 

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